

Right major long shot, but if you don't ask you don't get :)

I'm looking for any Company/Business that would let me test their products (and hopefully keep if at all possible, but I wont mind sending it back to you)

Any Department,  Baby Child, Pet, Food. Healthcare, Beauty,Tools, Gadgets, Electronics, Fishing, gaming to name a few.

In return I will do and in depth honest review for a product chosen by you for you to use on your website, here on my blog, and any other websites I am allowed to. where I will review everything from small detailing, to price, and whatever else you would like me to include.

Any help to become a tester will be much appreciated 

Love and Light

    x             x

E-Liquid Juice From Rainbow Vapes

A quick review on liquids :) 
we started with the cheap Hangsen (4 for £10)  which had little to no flavour (although the Ribena and fruit salad wasn't too bad but that was it)and went through bottles too quick. We didn't know exactly what we were doing we thought we got a good deal until we tasted different ones, so we thought we would go an try  Vampire vapes, they had great full flavouring and some very moreish flavours , but the do come with  a bit of a price tag,at 3 for £13, its a great price, however not when me and my partner go though a bottle a week. we also tried Space Jam, didn't find out the price till AFTER we had tried them that  he wanted £13 a bottle (10ml) and got rather pushy! (same person we got ripped off with the battery and tank kit) so we just ended up leaving it. 
So I thought I would try on-line - heck I buy everything else on-line, and this is where I purchased the E-liquids as shown above from Rainbow Vapes

They also do 4 for £10 (10ml) with different strengths of  nicotine  but they taste million times better then the hangsen ones! 
They even send out free e-liquid with orders,so you get a bargain 

With DIY liquids, Cloud Chasers, Sweets, Drinks, plus many many more, Fast Delivery,easy transaction with no bother and free shipping when you spend £10 I highly recommend Rainbow Vapes! 

 what is  YOUR favourite Flavour? :D

Eleaf Istick20w

Good morning :) 

Thought I Would write a small review on my Eleaf Istick and GS Air Tank as its great!
After getting ripped off by someone in a shop who sold us 2 fakes of a different sort, me and my partner thought we would so some research and stumbled across this little gem!
available in 4 colours (Rose Red (pink) Blue Black and Silver) we got them off Ebay and are 120% the real deal, the price of one of these was half the price compared to the one the dodgy bloke tried selling us (tried to say we had a bargain at £40) and we even saved a few quid compared to the ones he had sold us (biggest regret) 
So we found these Eleaf Istick on a 20w (they also do 30w and 50w) for £24.99, all sealed, all TM with the name etc. so definitely genuine, wow what a difference they make as you can chose how many watts/volts (depending on if you want the flavour or the nicotine).
You can also get silicone covers and wraps to make yours unique to you :)
The battery lasts a couple of days , even if you are constantly puffing away because your addicted to the taste ( I LOVE the sweet Fruit Salad flavour and my partner LOVES the Ribena, so much I have to base my e-liquid search on if they do Ribena or Not :))

We then brought a GS Air tank as that was specially made for the Istick, the tank is glass and  it has a double coil, holds 2.5ml and also has an adjustable air flow so with both the air adjust and the Volts/Watts together you can play around with it to find a setting that is perfect for you. 

 The mouth piece/Drip tip/Mouth tip whichever you call it is also changeable so you don't have to be stuck with the tube, which is like sucking air , We both use plastic whistle tips (flat ended rather than round) as we find we can taste the flavour more as it's not such a wide hole you get more of the vape :)

Using this device my partner and I have not touched a real cigarette for 3 months, we don't crave the nicotine as we use liquid with 12/18mg, but we do crave the flavours!  I have been a medium  smoker for 15 years and my partner as been a very heavy smoker for 17 years, he didn't think he would be able to do it, but he sure did!! 

I would definitely recommend this set up if your trying to quite, its so much cleaner and fresher and for one set up like shown above  is £35, (Eleaf Istick on Ebay at £24.99 and the GS Air Tank was £9.99, replacement coils are £9.95 for 5)   but it is definitely worth it, especially when your using premium liquids!

I will review the liquids in a different post :)

Feel free to add your opinion, or ask me questions :D 


Silvercross Ventura Plus Car Seat Newborn

I Had the honour of testing a Silvercross Ventura Plus newborn Car seat a while ago, courtesy of Silvercross. 
I absolutely loved this car seat, it was light and easy to carry with a handle that was really nice to hold and didn't hurt your Hands, the shoulder straps and crotch straps had lovely padded covers and the material that makes up the actual car seat was soft and cushioned, making it an extremely comfortable car seat, The apron and the Hood were ideal for when it was both cold and hot as  hood was brilliant in the sun as it kept baby nice and cool. the rocking method is such a brilliant idea, allowing you to rock your baby or put the handle back to create a stand so it doesn't Rock,without having to disturb your baby.  It was easy to take the fabric off and it washed very easily. and didn't take long to dry at all. 

The car seat didn't need an Isofix for the car and it was a no hassle fit, allowing the seat belt to be fitted quickly and easily, great for when it was raining.

Highly recommend this product Especially if you have the Silvercross Travel pushchair too which it will just clip on to, to make an easy all in one travel pram.

Mane 'n Tail Deep Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner

Really good Shampoo and conditioner made my hair lovely and thick and overall feeling soft and manageable, definitely works to help hair become fuller and healthy, good price for the 2 as well. I would recommend this to anyone who has thin hair as it worked a treat with my hair which doesn't seem to grow! 

Catit Wide Scratching Board with Catnip

I thought I would write a review for this as my cats love it!
Brilliant item, stays in the box so it Doesn't get all bent and worn as they use it all over, and the catnip doesn't get all over the house either due to the box is it is in (unless they grab the bag and runaway with it because they want it)  lasts for a very long time with 5  indoor cats using it on a daily basis, defiantly worth the money and my cats prefer cardboard scratchers than the normal posts since trying this for the first time. 

Flip Straw Tritan Drinks Sport Hydration Water Bottle 700ml

I Ordered This bottle as I was desperate for one I didn't need to tip up while driving, I've not had a problem with this, I can suck the drink quite easily without any problems of slurping and i have dropped it several times and it hasn't broke. for the price I paid which was £4.60 it was definitely worth it as I use it at home, as well as out and about.


Surf Sensations

Surf sensations

I was really excited getting this product free from Surf as I love the smell of fresh clean laundry, however the smell was really nice but it wasn't strong, I love strong smelling laundry especially Bedding. But if your after a subtle smell this will be perfect , it did last quite a while on the clothes so that was a definite bonus. I usually use powder so I thought I would try the capsules, it seemed to wash good on clothes very lightly soiled however but it wasn't fantastic for medium soiling as although lighter some staining remained, added with some stain remover the laundry did come out clean and fresh smelling just disappointed it wasn't a stronger smell.



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This Was a Product i got to test from homeproducttesting by Amazon, I was sent a coupon to claim this item, i do not own it, nor have a shareholder in the company. 
I have had the pleasure of reviewing these clips, pack of 2, excellent quality and very strong, easy to attach, and the clips make it really easy to put things on and off, the twin pack is ideal for having one either side of your pram to evenly distribute the weight, or shown here put on a car seat to hold little ones toys, Velcro is also very strong making it very durable. a must have for those with children very east to use with minimal fuss and no wasting time trying to fit bags and bits on the pram 

Product Test PeeDar UV Light

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Please Note – This Item was part of an Amazon Product Test from Pandora-stocks Ltd, this is a copyrighted product, and was between me and the company with this product I do not own, or have a shareholder in it,
This is the First Product i got to test, its the PeeDar UV flashlight,
works extremely well, a must for any cat and dog owners, my partner also has fun using it for is scorpions,small, compact and robust, you get batteries with it which makes it great value for money. extremely bright works in all lighting conditions and can also register it for a warranty. So your covered should it not work as instructed,

A Bit About Me

Well I am a 32 year old female residing in the beautiful County of North Devon, having relocated from the even more beautiful North Yorkshire. United Kingdom!, I Suffer with severe Hip Dysplasia in both of my Hips, which is accompanied by lack of mobility as well as chronic pain 24/7, I also have severe Social Anxiety and Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, Wow, mouthful huh! :P
Aside from all that I’m living with my best friend and I have a HUGE love for animals and also own quite a few from large furries to small reptiles And Tarantulas (although I draw the line at House Spiders And Wasps! both are plain Evil!)
I love testing products (especially the free and cool ones) and I’m normally allowed to keep them as long as I write a review, pretty easy really!! I’m always looking for new products to test, and coupons to be able to buy more :) 
Hopefully that will Due to poor health I haven't been testing and reviewing, hopefully that will now change as of August 2019!!
Love and Light x

To see products I have reviewed on Amazon please see:  My Amazon Reviewer Profile