Hello and Welcome

Well I am a 28 year old female residing in the beautiful County of North Yorkshire United Kingdom!, 
I Suffer with severe Hip Dysplasia in both of my Hips, which is accompanied by lack of mobility as well as chronic pain 24/7, I also have Social Anxiety and Borderline Personality Disorder, Wow, mouthful huh! :P
Aside from all that I’m in a steady relationship, have a HUGE love for animals and also own quite a few from large furries to small reptiles And Tarantulas (although I draw the line at House Spiders And Wasps! both are plain Evil!)
I love testing products (especially the free and cool ones) and I’m normally allowed to keep them as long as I write a review, pretty easy really!! I’m always looking for new products to test, and coupons to be able to buy more of the products I love:):)
Anyways, enough Blabber for Now, i hope my next update will be with a review from a product oooh exciting!! :)
Love and Light x

To see products I have reviewed on Amazon please see:  My Amazon Reviewer Profile

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