
Diary Day 2 +3 Of Chick Crumb used as Cat Litter

ooops I haven't updated this, I've got a horrible cold, cough, yucky thing that only happens over winter so I quite honestly feel PANTS.

However this has meant I have not been able to clear the litter tray, which means I can give a great review on it now :D 

One Large Box of Chick Crumb, the results are fantastic! its highly absorbent and even being unable to scoop poop for a couple of days its not smelling at all, and the cats absolutely love it! they will continue to use this even after 4 poops are in there, they always used to poop outside when it was 'too full' for them (which was 4 poops).

Only 1 cat attempted to eat it, until her saw his sister going toilet, he then looked at me as if to say 'MUM IV BEEN EATING TOILET CRAP' and he promptly turned around and pees too so yes

Very Happy with this, and I highly recommend to this everyone, whether they have a 1 cat household or a multi-cat household! its cheap, its highly absorbent, it doesn't smell and it hasn't tracked! 


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